Certificates and attestations

As a plusserver customer, you entrust us with sensitive and business-critical data. Our test certificates are objective proof of the quality, security and reliability of our cloud solutions. 

Based on the independent test reports, you can be sure that we meet your compliance requirements and protect your sensitive data. Learn more about the various certificates and testates that underline our commitment to service excellence below.

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Certificates give you, your customers and employees the confidence that plusserver complies with certain standards and that even sensitive data and information is safe with us.

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Many companies have strict guidelines regarding data protection and data security. That’s why data protection officers and purchasers should take a close look at the provider’s certificates.

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With certificates and attestations, we can objectively prove the quality of our services. Our processes and infrastructures are independently tested. For highest availability and performance.

Certified security, data protection, and sovereignty in the German cloud

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BSI C5 Type II

The test report according to BSI C5 (Cloud Computing Compliance Criteria Catalogue) of the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) confirms that plusserver meets strict security standards and has implemented suitable measures to protect customer data in the cloud. The Type II status means that the effectiveness of the security measures has been verified over a certain period of time.

ISAE 3402 Type II

The ISAE 3402 (International Standard on Assurance Engagements) audit report confirms that a service provider has implemented effective internal controls and processes. The audit covers the outsourcing of services and tests the service provider’s controls to ensure data security and service quality. Type II status indicates that the controls have been tested over a specified period of time.

IDW PH 9.860.1

This certificate is an audit of the policies, procedures and measures in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation and the German Federal Data Protection Act. It confirms that appropriate security measures are in place to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data.

ISO 27001

The ISO/IEC 27001 standard specifies requirements for the establishment of an Information Security Management System (ISMS). The certificate confirms that plusserver has implemented appropriate security measures in accordance with internationally recognized standards.

ISO 9001

ISO 9001 certification is an internationally recognized quality management standard. It certifies that plusserver has implemented an effective quality management system to ensure customer satisfaction and process optimization.


The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a security standard for companies that process, store, or transmit credit card data. It certifies that a service provider has implemented the necessary security measures to protect the confidentiality and integrity of credit card data and to prevent fraud.

plusserver certificate VMware verified sovereign cloud

VMware Sovereign Cloud

pluscloud VMware is certified as Sovereign Cloud by VMware. This certification validates the cloud provider’s use of transparent security implementations, data governance, and risk management practices.

plusserver certificate CNCF kubernetes certified service provider

Kubernetes Certified Service Provider

By listing as a Kubernetes Certified Service Provider, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) certifies that a service provider has extensive knowledge, experience, and expertise in Kubernetes to successfully deploy, implement, maintain, and support customers.

plusserver certificate CNCF certified kubernetes

Certified Kubernetes

Certified Kubernetes is the CNCF Kubernetes certification program, ensuring Kubernetes distributions and deployments are compatible. It verifies that the implementation conforms to Kubernetes standards, and that the specified APIs and features are properly supported. It also checks for security and compatibility issues.

SAP Certified in Hosting Operations

This certification demonstrates that a service provider meets the standards and best practices required to efficiently operate SAP systems and applications in a hosted environment. It demonstrates that the service provider has the necessary expertise and resources to ensure the performance, availability and security of the SAP infrastructure.

SAP Certifed in Cloud and Infrastructure Operations

The certificate confirms that a service provider meets the specific requirements and guidelines for efficiently running SAP solutions in a cloud environment. It demonstrates that the service provider has the expertise and technology to ensure the performance, scalability, security and availability of SAP applications in the cloud.

SAP Certified in SAP HANA Operations

This certificate validates the knowledge and skills required to effectively operate SAP HANA, the in-memory database platform from SAP. It demonstrates the service provider’s ability to optimize and ensure the performance, availability, scalability, and security of SAP HANA systems.

Climate Protection Certificate

The certificate confirms that 100 percent of the electricity used by plusserver is generated from renewable sources, saving 7,998 tons of CO2 annually.

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Andreas Kadler