Our commitment to clubs and associations

plusserver is involved in various associations and organisations. Our goal is to promote knowledge transfer and to sustainably advance important topics such as digitalisation as well as European competitiveness and data sovereignty.

Current memberships:

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Eco Verband der Internetwirtschaft e.V.

As a key industry, the internet industry creates the basis for a functioning business and digital location in Germany and for an open and free society. In order to draw attention to the importance of digital infrastructures in Germany and to enter into a constructive dialogue with politicians, we have joined forces under the umbrella of eco – Verband der Internetwirtschaft e.V. (Association of the Internet Industry) for a forward-looking network policy.
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Alliance to strengthen digital infrastructures

Together with other providers and data centre operators, we are committed to strengthening and further developing Germany as an infrastructure location with the Alliance for Strengthening Digital Infrastructures. The alliance advocates for topics such as broadband expansion, research for data centre technology and the creation of framework conditions that make the operation of infrastructure competitive and sustainable.
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EuroCloud Deutschland

EuroCloud is the association of the cloud computing industry. The cloud forms the essential basis of digitalisation. With guides, tools, recommendations and events, Eurocloud ensures that users and providers of cloud services find the perfect match. It provides support on numerous issues relating to data protection and security, interoperability and standards as well as law and compliance.
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plusserver is a founding member of the European cloud project Gaia-X and one of the initiators of the open source project Sovereign Cloud Stack (SCS), which acts as the technical underpinning of Gaia-X. plusserver thus supports Europe’s goal of digital sovereignty and competitiveness through its own cloud ecosystem.
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Sovereign Cloud Stack (SCS)

As one of the initiators of the Sovereign Cloud Stack (SCS), plusserver supports the goal of defining and implementing a completely free software stack for an independent, federated cloud and container infrastructure. With the Sovereign Cloud Stack, we are joining forces with many open source projects to create a powerful and holistic cloud stack that lays the foundations for complete digital sovereignty. In this way, we are creating a technology platform that will become a new cloud standard. Our own open source cloud pluscloud open is already based on the SCS.
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OSB Alliance – Bundesverband für digitale Souveränität e.V. (Open Source Business Alliance)

As a formative member of the OSBA, plusserver advocates establishing open source as a standard in public procurement and in research and business promotion, as well as anchoring the central importance of open source software and open standards for a digitally sovereign society in the public consciousness in the long term.

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EuroCloud Native (ECN)

EuroCloud Native is part of EuroCloud and eco and is specifically aimed at providers of public cloud-based solutions and services. EuroCloud Native is the expert forum for all cloud-native topics. Plusserver supports the EuroCloud Native as Alliance Partner.

Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF)

As a sub-project of the Linux Foundation, the CNCF promotes the development of cloud-native computing based on open source and the interaction between its developers and users. The most important CNCF projects include Kubernetes and Prometheus. Plusserver is a Kubernetes Certified Service Provider and the plusserver Kubernetes Engine (PSKE) is certified by the CNCF as a standard-compliant and independent solution.

Any questions?

Just drop a message and I will get back to you quickly.

Peter Höhn

Chief Commercial Officer

Your request

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Do you have a question or need help with a topic? We will be happy to help you. You can also contact us by telephone at any time:

Consulting: +49 2203 1045 3500
Support: +49 2203 1045 3600